Resolutions for a tomorrow you design.

About MLM

When somebody is in the midst of a separation it can become very stressful for them and their family. Trying to figure out how to resolve their issues and move forward can become overwhelming. Most people do want a fair resolution. Very few want to become involved in an expensive legal battle.

Separation does not have to be high conflict. It does not have to be really expensive. If you and your spouse disagree, that does not automatically mean that you have to end up going to court. At Miller Law and Mediation, we provide you with other avenues to resolution such as mediation, collaborative law, or just negotiating an agreement. Only as a last resort is the court considered as an option.

Tracy represents clients in any of these processes as well as she is a trained mediator.

Resolution is possible.


The first step is for you and your partner to attend a free one-hour information session with Tracy Miller. Prior to the session you will be sent an intake form to complete and return.

At the information session we discuss the mediation process and your issues. We will explain what information you will need to collect.

The cost of mediation will depend on what issues you have to resolve and the complexity of the issues. We charge a flat fee and we will discuss that with you once we know your issues.

For additional information or to book your free information session please contact, or call 519-501-1393.

Collaborative Law

The collaborative process is an alternative way to resolve your issues. Each spouse has their own lawyer throughout this process. Both parties and their lawyers sign a Participation Agreement. That agreement states that nobody is going to go to court. So people can discuss and resolve their issues without the threat of going to court.

A team approach is used in the collaborative process.  This involves both spouses and their lawyers. It may also include other people such as a family professional, a financial professional or a real estate professional. It depends on the issues in your case. The Team works together to create an agreement that resolves your issues. You are very involved in this process as opposed to court where lawyers run the show and clients are often spectators.

Family Law Court Coaching

Are you in the court process and find it overwhelming to navigate through the process? We can help by providing you with what you need at each step of the way. For the most cost-effective way, you will be provided with only the services you require and need. Hire a lawyer to work with you behind the scenes.

Are you representing yourself in court? Do you want some coaching on how to prepare for a trial? We can provide advice on how to present your case, how to prepare witnesses and how to assemble the necessary documents. If you want a lawyer available to discuss what is happening at the trial as it proceeds and strategize about how to proceed, we can do that too.

If you have an upcoming settlement conference, we can help you prepare your material so it presents effectively to the judge. Your documents are the first thing a judge sees and it matters how they are prepared.

How it works?

Book a one-hour consultation with Tracy to provide details of your matter and review of any relevant documents. We will discuss the services you require and you will then be provided with a flat fee.

Unbundled Legal Services – Create your own legal package

You know your matter better than anyone else and what you are confident to do on your own. Instead of hiring a lawyer from start to finish, pick and choose what services you require. Create your own package. This may include, drafting court documents or coaching before a court appearance, mediation or arbitration.

How it works?

Book a one-hour consultation with Tracy to provide details of your matter and review of any relevant documents. Discuss and create the package that suits you and then a flat fee will be provided to you.


The Divorce Solutions podcast was created in 2022 to provide helpful information to people who find themselves in the midst of a separation/divorce. It was created by Tracy Miller and Jamie West. Tracy has over 30 years of experience as a family law lawyer. Jamie is a ‘survivor’ of the Canadian family court system. They discuss topics ranging from at what age does a child decide where they want to live what is a case conference to what is a parenting coordinator. The aim is to assist people so that they can move forward on their path to resolution.

See what clients are saying!

I have used Miller Law on many occasions to assist me with family court issues. Tracey is extremely knowledgeable, caring, empathetic and supportive. Her professional common sense approach greatly assisted me in having my voice heard in the process. All to often family court paints a dad as the bad guy, having Tracey in my corner prevented that and I am truly grateful.”



“Anyone who is looking for a lawyer to represent you in a family matter, Tracy should be number one at the top of your list. She is amazing and very knowledgeable. Working with Tracy at Miller Law & Mediation was the best choice I could’ve made, She went above and beyond to help me navigate a separation/custody agreement. Tracy and her clerk Nimi were very easy to get ahold of through out the entire process and sent me every document in a timely manner to keep me in the loop so I always knew exactly what was going on. Tracy managed to mediate my entire agreement with the other party so we didn’t have to go to court which was what I was hoping for going into this process. The separation agreement I ended up with included much more than I anticipated and for that I am grateful.”


“Tracy was amazing to work with. She kept us grounded during a year along battle (due to the other side), and was amazing at getting the parties to come to a resolution! The biggest thing she taught us was to “take the emotion out of it and stick to the facts” She’s there to get a solution not waste your money. I highly recommend her if you want to try and save money by using mediation!”



508 Riverbend Drive
Kitchener ON
N2K 3S2

T:  519-501-1393